Low Income Housing and Subsidized Apartments in Smithville, TN
Below is the listing of 8 affordable apartments and low-income housing in Smithville, TN. Some apartments listed here will require prospective residents to meet income eligibility requirements and other guidelines specific to a housing authority, and other properties will be open to all residents needing affordable housing.
The listings are not comprehensive, but we do strive to provide as many listings as available. Our goal is to provider our users with as many affordable housing opportunities as possible. If your property is not already listed, you can add your listing for free.
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Bell Street Apartments
- Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Family)
Location: Smithville, TN - 37166 Contact Phone: (615) 597-1276 Details: Bell Street Apartments, located in Smithville, TN offer 1, 2 and 3 units. Amenities include a playground, on-site laundry facility and community center. Rent is based on income. |
Brookview Apartments
- Multi-Family Housing Rental (for Family)
Location: Smithville, TN - 37166 Contact Phone: (615) 597-6330 |
Center Hill Village
- Multi-Family Housing Rental (for Family)
Location: Smithville, TN - 37166 Contact Phone: (615) 597-8449 |
Evins Manor Apartments
- Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Family)
Location: Smithville, TN - 37166 Contact Phone: (615) 597-5902 Details: Located in the foothills of the Cumberland Plateau, Evins Manor Apartments offers affordable housing to the area of Smithville, Tennessee with only minutes to convenience of the town of Smithville. Evins Manor offers one, two, three bedroom floor plans with on-site laundry facilities. Community Amenities: Laundry Facilities; Playground. Amenities: Refrigerator; Stove |
Fiddlers Annex Apartments
- Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Family)
Location: Smithville, TN - 37166 Contact Phone: (931) 476-4126 Details: Fiddlers Annex offers 2 and 3 bedroom apartments for individuals age 55 or older who are caring for minor children. Rent includes utilities and is not to exceed 30% of income. Apartments Include: Kitchen with appliances; Living room; 2 or 3 bedrooms; Bathroom; Utilities; Community room; Enclosed playground. |
Fiddlers Manor Apartments
- Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Elderly)
Location: Smithville, TN - 37166 Contact Phone: (931) 476-4126 Details: Fiddlers Manor offers 1 bedroom apartments for individuals age 62 or older. Rent includes utilities and is not to exceed 30% of income. Apartments Include: Kitchen with appliances; Living room; 1 bedroom; Bathroom; Utilities. |
Prospect Place
- Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Disabled)
Location: Smithville, TN - 37166 Contact Phone: (615) 444-0597 |
Royal Oaks Apartments
- Multi-Family Housing Rental (for Family)
Location: Smithville, TN - 37166 Contact Phone: (615) 597-6330 |
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