Affordable Rentals >> Tennessee Housing and Apartments >> Sevierville Apartments for Rent

Low Income Housing and Subsidized Apartments in Sevierville, TN

Below is the listing of 8 affordable apartments and low-income housing in Sevierville, TN. Some apartments listed here will require prospective residents to meet income eligibility requirements and other guidelines specific to a housing authority, and other properties will be open to all residents needing affordable housing.

The listings are not comprehensive, but we do strive to provide as many listings as available. Our goal is to provider our users with as many affordable housing opportunities as possible. If your property is not already listed, you can add your listing for free.

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Gateway Village - Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Family)
Location: Sevierville, TN - 37862
Contact Phone: (865) 453-1729

Gist Creek Apartments - Affordable Housing Apartments (for Family)
Location: Sevierville, TN - 37876
Contact Phone: (865) 365-0003
Details: Spacious layouts and amenities welcome you home, along with exceptional service and an ideal location within close proximity to shopping, dining, and entertainment options. Community: Community Room; Laundry Room; Playground; Picnic Area with Grill(s); Convenient to shopping, dining, schools, healthcare; Surrounded by the Great Smokey Mountains. Interior: Energy Star rated insulated windows & doors; Electric range; Oven & microwave; Double sinks with disposal; Dishwasher; Energy efficient heating & air conditioning; Washer & dryer; Frost-free refrigerator; Carpeted floors & tiling; Covered porch & outside storage
Leconte Terrace - Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Elderly)
Location: Sevierville, TN - 37862
Contact Phone: (865) 774-8885
Details: LeConte Terrace Apartments is a Senior complex designed for individuals 62 and older. Rents are based on income. Income Limits do apply. Residents of LeConte Terrace Apartments are also offered the help of a Service Coordinator, who is there to assist with community outreach and services.
Mildred Miller Group Home - Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Elderly)
Location: Sevierville, TN - 37862
Contact Phone: (865) 453-3254

Mountain View Apartments - Multi-Family Housing Rental (for Family)
Location: Sevierville, TN - 37864
Contact Phone: (865) 428-0248

Park Village Apartments - Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Elderly)
Location: Sevierville, TN - 37862
Contact Phone: (865) 428-5280

Riverview Apartments - Multi-Family Housing Rental (for Elderly)
Location: Sevierville, TN - 37862
Contact Phone: (865) 453-0824

Woodland Park Apartments - Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Elderly)
Location: Sevierville, TN - 37862
Contact Phone: (865) 429-6896
Details: Woodland Park Apartments is a Senior complex designed for individuals 62 and older. Rents are based on income. Income Limits do apply. Residents of Woodland Park Apartments are also offered the help of a Service Coordinator, who is there to assist with community outreach and services.

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