Maine Affordable Rentals >> SEARSPORT Housing and Apartments >> SEABREEZE APARTMENTS

Seabreeze Apartments, Searsport ME - Multi-Family Housing Rental

8 Prospect Street
Contact Name:
Contact Phone: (207) 778-0607
Details: Eighteen subsidized apartments for elderly and disabled tenants. These one bedroom apartments are part of the USDA rural development low income housing program as well as other federally funded programs. Applicants must meet age, income, or handicapped guidelines verified by third party signatures. The following utilities and services are provided: heat and hot water, off-street parking, a laundry facility on-site, trash removal, and snow plowing. There is a community room and community kitchen. Pets are allowed with some restrictions. All Foothills apartments are non-smoking.

Bedrooms Available: 18 One Bedroom Units
Property Type: Multi-Family Housing Rental - Elderly
Utilities Included: Water, Trash Service, Heat
Pets Allow: Yes
Pets are allowed with some restrictions.
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