Low Income Housing and Subsidized Apartments in Meadville, PA
Below is the listing of 8 affordable apartments and low-income housing in Meadville, PA. Some apartments listed here will require prospective residents to meet income eligibility requirements and other guidelines specific to a housing authority, and other properties will be open to all residents needing affordable housing.
The listings are not comprehensive, but we do strive to provide as many listings as available. Our goal is to provider our users with as many affordable housing opportunities as possible. If your property is not already listed, you can add your listing for free.
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Brookside Apartments
- Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Elderly)
Location: Meadville, PA - 16335 Contact Phone: (814) 453-3333 Details: Brookside Apartments, a community for seniors 62+, is conveniently located close to amenities, yet tucked back off the road in a serene environment with a patio overlooking a creek - truly the best of both worlds! This community is subsidized, which means that rent will be approximately 30% of the resident's gross monthly income. |
Capabilities Of Crawford County
- Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Disabled)
Location: Meadville, PA - 16335 Contact Phone: (814) 453-3333 Details: Capabilities of Crawford County is a two building community located at 639 Jefferson Street and 683 Park Avenue in Meadville, Pennsylvania. Serving residents with chronic mental illness, Capabilities consists of twelve 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. This community is subsidized, which means that rent will be approximately 30% of the resident's gross monthly income. |
Fairmont Apartments
- Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Family)
Location: Meadville, PA - 16335 Contact Phone: (814) 724-4500 |
Fairview Apartments
- Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Family)
Location: Meadville, PA - 16335 Contact Phone: (814) 724-4500 |
Forest Green Estates
- Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Family)
Location: Meadville, PA - 16335 Contact Phone: (814) 336-6344 Details: Forest Green Estates is an affordable community built on a stunning piece of land in Meadville, Pennsylvania. Our apartment community is especially designed with family in mind; we offer day care on site as well as an events coordinator, a large playground that is fenced in and gated, and finally rolling, manicured grounds to get out in the fresh air and explore. We are also supremely located less than two miles from the area hospital, and close to the public schools and shopping mall. Forest Green is proud to be a smoke-free community. |
Hands Triad Housing
- Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Disabled)
Location: Meadville, PA - 16335 Contact Phone: (814) 453-3333 Details: HANDS Triad is a three building community located at 575 Washington, 732 Hickory and 770 North Main Street in Meadville, Pennsylvania. Serving residents with chronic mental illness, HANDS Triad consists of 14 one-bedroom apartments. This community is subsidized, which means that rent will be approximately 30% of the resident's gross monthly income. |
Highland Pointe
- Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Disabled)
Location: Meadville, PA - 16335 Contact Phone: (814) 453-3333 Details: Highland Pointe is a housing community located at 694 Highland Avenue in Meadville, Pennsylvania. Serving residents with chronic mental illness, Highland Pointe has eight 1-bedroom apartments. This community is subsidized, which means that rent will be approximately 30% of the resident's gross monthly income. |
Terrace Overview Apartments
- Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Disabled)
Location: Meadville, PA - 16335 Contact Phone: (814) 453-3333 Details: Terrace Overview is an apartment community located at 567 Terrace Street in Meadville, Pennsylvania. Serving residents with disabilities, Terrace Overview consists of ten 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. This community is subsidized, which means that rent will be approximately 30% of the resident's gross monthly income. |
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