Low Income Housing and Subsidized Apartments in Loudon, NH
Below is the listing of 1 affordable apartments and low-income housing in Loudon, NH. Some apartments listed here will require prospective residents to meet income eligibility requirements and other guidelines specific to a housing authority, and other properties will be open to all residents needing affordable housing.
The listings are not comprehensive, but we do strive to provide as many listings as available. Our goal is to provider our users with as many affordable housing opportunities as possible. If your property is not already listed, you can add your listing for free.
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Richard Brown House
- Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Elderly)
Location: Loudon, NH - 03307 Contact Phone: (603) 798-3190 Details: The Richard Brown House in Loudon, New Hampshire provides 32-units of high quality, affordable housing for low-income seniors. This property was dedicated to the respected and well-liked friend of Loudon, Richard Brown. He was instrumental in making the dream of this affordable senior housing community a reality. He was a champion for ensuring that seniors could have an affordable place to live and maintain their dignity and worth as individuals. Amenities: Summer flowers, vegetable garden and comfortable seating at the front entrance; Partially covered terrace with chairs, table and barbeque grill outside; Bright community room features a full kitchen; Each hallway is well lit and provides supportive railing; Apartments feature full kitchens with full-sized appliances. |
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