Low Income Housing and Subsidized Apartments in Grove City, MN
Below is the listing of 1 affordable apartments and low-income housing in Grove City, MN. Some apartments listed here will require prospective residents to meet income eligibility requirements and other guidelines specific to a housing authority, and other properties will be open to all residents needing affordable housing.
The listings are not comprehensive, but we do strive to provide as many listings as available. Our goal is to provider our users with as many affordable housing opportunities as possible. If your property is not already listed, you can add your listing for free.
We welcome user reviews and corrections of property listings, as we strive to provide the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the listing below for more information.
Grove Heights Townhomes
- Multi-Family Housing Rental (for Family)
Location: Grove City, MN - 56243 Contact Phone: (320) 269-6640 Details: Grove Heights townhomes offers the benefits of renting while providing the “home” atmosphere everyone enjoys. Company’s coming but don’t feel like cleaning? This attractive property features a sizable community room with full kitchen for tenant use. These newly remodeled, spacious 1 and 2 bedroom homes are located near the park, and a quick trip to the Atwater-Cosmos-Grove City High School. With 9 miles to Litchfield and 19 miles to Willmar, you can enjoy country living and an easy work commute along Highway 12. |
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