Affordable Rentals >> Maine Housing and Apartments >> Gardiner Apartments for Rent

Low Income Housing and Subsidized Apartments in Gardiner, ME

Below is the listing of 6 affordable apartments and low-income housing in Gardiner, ME. Some apartments listed here will require prospective residents to meet income eligibility requirements and other guidelines specific to a housing authority, and other properties will be open to all residents needing affordable housing.

The listings are not comprehensive, but we do strive to provide as many listings as available. Our goal is to provider our users with as many affordable housing opportunities as possible. If your property is not already listed, you can add your listing for free.

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Gardiner Village - Multi-Family Housing Rental (for Elderly)
Location: Gardiner, ME - 04345
Contact Phone: (207) 582-1888
Details: Gardiner Village features laundry and mail facilities. It also has maintenance services (including a 24-hour emergency line), and snow and trash removal.
Highland Avenue Terrace - Multi-Family Housing Rental (for Congregate)
Location: Gardiner, ME - 04345
Contact Phone: (207) 582-1888
Details: In quiet suburbia lies Highland Terrace. It features laundry and mail facilities. It also has maintenance services (including a 24-hour emergency line), and snow and trash removal.
Meadowbrook Gardens - Multi-Family Housing Rental (for Family)
Location: Gardiner, ME - 04345
Contact Phone: (207) 582-1888
Details: Nestled into a background of beautiful trees, Meadowbrook Gardens resides in a quiet area not far from the grocery store, and the local high school. It features laundry and mail facilities. It also has maintenance services (including a 24-hour emergency line), and snow and trash removal.
Pine Ridge Apartments - Multi-Family Housing Rental (for Elderly)
Location: Gardiner, ME - 04345
Contact Phone: (207) 582-1888
Details: Not too far from the heart of Gardiner, Pine Ridge rests happily with its own parking away from the street. It features laundry and mail facilities. It also has maintenance services (including a 24-hour emergency line), and snow and trash removal.
Riverview Terrace - Multi-Family Housing Rental (for Family)
Location: Gardiner, ME - 04345
Contact Phone: (207) 621-7700
Details: Twenty-four apartments, all 2 bedroom units. Kennebec County income limits apply. Rent includes Heat, Hot Water and Electric. Laundry Facilities On-Site. Pets Allowed.
Summer Street Apartments - Affordable Housing Apartments (for Family)
Location: Gardiner, ME - 04345
Contact Phone: (207) 621-7700
Details: 15 Total Apartments - 3 one bedrooms, 9 two bedrooms, 3 three bedroom; Handicapped Accessible units available, ask about features; Includes Heat; Convenient to Downtown Gardiner; Laundry Facilities On-Site; Pets Allowed

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