Low Income Housing and Subsidized Apartments in Caribou, ME
Below is the listing of 11 affordable apartments and low-income housing in Caribou, ME. Some apartments listed here will require prospective residents to meet income eligibility requirements and other guidelines specific to a housing authority, and other properties will be open to all residents needing affordable housing.
The listings are not comprehensive, but we do strive to provide as many listings as available. Our goal is to provider our users with as many affordable housing opportunities as possible. If your property is not already listed, you can add your listing for free.
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Caribou Apartments
- Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Disabled)
Location: Caribou, ME - 04736 Contact Phone: (207) 498-6403 |
Caribou Congregate Housing
- Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Elderly)
Location: Caribou, ME - 04736 Contact Phone: (207) 764-3396 |
Farm View Estates
- Multi-Family Housing Rental (for Elderly)
Location: Caribou, ME - 04736 Contact Phone: (207) 498-8332 Details: Farm View Estates is a 32 unit Elderly/Disabled apartment building located on Solman Street in Caribou, Maine. Subsidized through Rural Development/USDA, rent is 30% of the tenants adjusted gross income. |
Home Farm Apartments
- Multi-Family Housing Rental (for Elderly)
Location: Caribou, ME - 04736 Contact Phone: (207) 498-8332 Details: Home Farm Apartments is a 20 unit Elderly/Disabled apartment complex located on Solman Street in Caribou, Maine. Subsidized through Rural Development/USDA, rent is 30% of the tenants adjusted gross income. |
Lee Estates
- Multi-Family Housing Rental (for Family)
Location: Caribou, ME - 04736 Contact Phone: (207) 498-3097 Details: Lee Estates is a quiet little cul-de-sac of one and two bedroom apartments off of Sweden Street in Caribou. Each single story apartment has a front porch entrance and a private back patio. Laundry facilities are on site and there are two playgrounds on well kept landscaped grounds. The rent structure is classified as moderate income that is based on income but with a baseline rent comparable to market values. Heat and hot water are included. |
Lyndon Heights
- Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Elderly)
Location: Caribou, ME - 04736 Contact Phone: (207) 498-3097 Details: From Lyndon Heights a person can look out over the city of Caribou and down across to the river. The eagles and Canada geese have been known to sail right past the windows on their way to nearby Collins Pond. This is an Elderly/Disabled secure building with many perks. Four floors of long halls allow for comfortable exercise during the winter months. Often the residents gather for pot luck suppers and movie nights or just relax together outside to enjoy the pond, flowers and conversation. The lobby has a Franklin stove, comfortable chairs and rockers where you can watch cable television. There is an indoor laundry facilities, an elevator and call cords in the bedroom and bathroom of each unit. Maintenance and office personnel are at the same location. Rent is based on 30% of adjusted gross income. Heat, hot water and electricity are provided. |
Mill Park
- Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Family)
Location: Caribou, ME - 04736 Contact Phone: (207) 498-3097 Details: Mill Park is a low income family housing project bordering Collins Pond Park and Path. Twenty 2 and 3 bedroom townhouses and apartments overlook a playground, park benches and barbecue grills at Collins Pond, which is noted for its wide variety of birds and waterfowl. Each apartment has front and back private entrances, a patio, and washer/dryer hook-up. There are storage sheds at each unit with ample parking. Rent is at 30% of adjusted gross income and includes heat and hot water. |
Rose Acres
- Multi-Family Housing Rental (for Elderly)
Location: Caribou, ME - 04736 Contact Phone: (207) 498-3622 |
Summit St. Apartments
- Multi-Family Housing Rental (for Family)
Location: Caribou, ME - 04736 Contact Phone: (207) 473-7951 |
The Willows
- Multi-Family Housing Rental (for Family)
Location: Caribou, ME - 04736 Contact Phone: (207) 498-8332 Details: The Willows is a 24 unit Family apartment complex located on Solman Street in Caribou, Maine. Subsidized through Rural Development/USDA, rent is 30% of the tenants adjusted gross income. |
Townview Estates
- Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Elderly)
Location: Caribou, ME - 04736 Contact Phone: (207) 498-3097 Details: Townview Estates overlooks downtown Caribou. This location is in easy walking distance of the Post Office, Library and stores; its central location is prime advantage to folks who enjoy town life. Each apartment has its own private entrance, emergency pull cords in the bedroom and bathrooms, and the complex has a centralized laundry room with a large room for social enjoyment. This is designated by HUD as Elderly/Disable low income housing. Heat, hot water and electricity are included in the rent which is determined at 30% of adjusted gross income. |
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