Affordable Rentals >> Wyoming Housing and Apartments >> Carbon County Apartments for Rent

Low Income and Subsidized Apartments in Carbon, WY County

Below are 4 affordable housing resources and apartments for rent in Carbon, WY County. We welcome user reviews and corrections of property listings, as we strive to provide the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the listing below for more information.

Bitter Creek Apartments - Multi-Family Housing Rental (for Family)
Location: Rawlins, WY - 82301
Contact Phone: (307) 324-4120
Details: Bitter Creek is the affordable housing community you have been looking for. Conveniently located close to everything you need for your active lifestyle. Our professional staff strives to provide you with the services you need to enjoy a modern comfortable environment. We offer the features and amenities to make you feel welcome in our community which include full size ovens and range, full size refrigerators with freezer, accessible units, playground, off street parking, guest parking and on-site laundry.
Cathy Gardens - Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Elderly)
Location: Rawlins, WY - 82301
Contact Phone: (307) 324-3272

Sage Hills Apartments - Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Family)
Location: Rawlins, WY - 82301
Contact Phone: (307) 324-6050

Stagecoach Apartments - Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment (for Family)
Location: Rawlins, WY - 82301
Contact Phone: (307) 328-1069