Affordable Rentals >> New York Housing and Apartments >> Port Byron Apartments for Rent

Low Income Housing and Subsidized Apartments in Port Byron, NY

Below is the listing of 1 affordable apartments and low-income housing in Port Byron, NY. Some apartments listed here will require prospective residents to meet income eligibility requirements and other guidelines specific to a housing authority, and other properties will be open to all residents needing affordable housing.

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Port Byron Apartments - Affordable Housing Apartments (for Family)
Location: Port Byron, NY - 13140
Contact Phone: (680) 207-1021
Details: The Port Byron Apartments are located in the Village of Port Byron, New York. Each apartment feature: a fully equipped kitchen with a range, refrigerator, microwave; a wall-mounted flat screen TV; in-unit storage. Heat, air conditioning, hot water, electric, local TV channels and basic Wi-Fi are included in the rent and on-site laundry facilities are available at no cost to the tenant. There is also off-street parking. Tenants have access to a community room, lounges, and a computer lab. The building is 100 percent smoke free. There is a designated smoking area outdoors. There are a total of 69 units centrally located in a residential area in close proximity to many local amenities such as grocery shopping, schools, places of worship, medical care, banks, libraries, government agencies and general shopping. There are 15 available units including one, two and three-bedroom apartments. There are 18 units with ADA accessibility and 3 units with hearing and vision accessibility (HVA) in the building. Pets are allowed at this property, subject to DePaul’s Pet Policy. All utilities are included in the monthly rent. A security deposit equal to one month’s rent is required at the lease signing and the applicant must meet the eligibility requirements of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program. Income and occupancy requirements apply.